Insulating Ducts with Building Insulation

The question: is it acceptable to simply insulate under and around the ducts with the building insulation? Referring to the IECC: R403.3.1 Insulation (Prescriptive). Supply and return ducts in attics shall be insulated to a minimum of R-8 where 3 inches (76 mm) in...

Duct Leakage Testing

Question: Do I have to test residential ducts located outside the thermal envelope if I use the Performance or ERI Path for IECC Code Compliance? How do the Utah state amendments affect the testing requirement for ducts? I have received numerous questions regarding...

Duct Insulation R-values

Question from an HVAC supplier: Has the State of Utah adopted 2015 IRC requiring R8 on the returns at this time? Doesn’t the code allow R-4.2 for return ducts in the attic? If R-8, when did the code change? A couple of important items to consider includes the...

Protect the Shell

New homes present a great opportunity to affect more efficient energy use, because the home’s building shell, which is the most important component of the home’s energy performance, will remain unchanged for many years to come. There is really only one chance to build...