QUESTIONS FROM AN HVAC CONTRACTOR – ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATORS AND MAKE-UP AIR An HVAC contractor recently asked the following questions about Energy Recovery Ventilators and Make-Up Air: “We are currently doing a new construction home and the General...
Utah’s Residential Energy Code Field Study Shows a Big Opportunity for Cost Savings and Emissions Reductions New homes built in Utah can lock in long term financial savings by preventing energy waste. The key to achieving this is in the International Energy...
HVAC Systems, Ventilation, Filtration & COVID-19 As we approach two years of dealing with travel restrictions, shutdowns, zoom meetings, health concerns, masks, sickness, deaths, etc., it is an appropriate time to look closely at the buildings we live in and how...
Drawing combustion air out of air sealed buildings – Is it safe? Where gas appliances are located inside the thermal envelope, a sufficient amount of combustion air must be provided for the safe and complete combustion of natural gas fuels. As new buildings...
FOIL-FACED BUBBLE WRAP DUCT “INSULATION” As we continue to see ‘foil bubble insulation’ used incorrectly as duct insulation, it is time to separate the facts from the fiction. This is a critical issue as the improper installation of these products often...